$$ Convert HWND to tagWnd $$ Author: nighxie $$ Blog: 0cch.net
.if (${/d:$arg1}) {
.if (${/d:$arg2}) { .if (${$arg2} == 1) { r $t0 = nt!PsActiveProcessHead .for (r $t1 = poi(@$t0);(@$t1 != 0) & (@$t1 != @$t0);r $t1 = poi(@$t1)) { r? $t2 = #CONTAINING_RECORD(@$t1, nt!_EPROCESS, ActiveProcessLinks); as /x ${/v:$ProcAddr} @$t2; as /ma ${/v:$ImageName} @@c++(&@$t2->ImageFileName[0]);
.block { $$ .echo ${$ImageName} .if ($sicmp("${$ImageName}", "explorer.exe") == 0) { .echo Found the process at ${$ProcAddr}; .process /p /r ${$ProcAddr}; ad ${/v:$ImageName}; ad ${/v:$ProcAddr}; .break; } }
ad ${/v:$ImageName}; ad ${/v:$ProcAddr}; } } }
r @$t1 = ${$arg1}; r @$t0 = win32k!gSharedInfo; .if ((@$t1&0xffff) < @@C++(((win32k!tagSHAREDINFO *)@$t0)->psi->cHandleEntries)) { r @$t0 = @@C++(((win32k!tagSHAREDINFO *)@$t0)->aheList); r @$t0 = @@C++(@$t0+(@$t1&0xffff)*sizeof(win32k!_HANDLEENTRY)); r @$t0 = poi(@$t0); .printf "HWND: %p\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->head.h); .printf /D "tagWnd * @ %p\n", @$t0; .if (@@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->strName.Buffer) != 0) { .printf "Window Name: %mu\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->strName.Buffer); } .printf /D "tagCLS * @ pcls) win32k!tagCLS\">%p\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->pcls); .if (@@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->pcls->lpszAnsiClassName) != 0) { .printf "Window Class Name: %ma\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->pcls->lpszAnsiClassName); } .if (@@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndNext) != 0) { .printf "Next Wnd: %p\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndNext->head.h); } .if (@@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndPrev) != 0) { .printf "Previous Wnd: %p\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndPrev->head.h); } .if (@@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndParent) != 0) { .printf "Parent Wnd: %p\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndParent->head.h); } .if (@@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndChild) != 0) { .printf "Child Wnd: %p\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndChild->head.h); } .if (@@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndOwner) != 0) { .printf "Own Wnd: %p\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->spwndOwner->head.h); } .if (@@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->lpfnWndProc) != 0) { .printf /D "pfnWndProc: head.pti->pEThread)->Tcb.Process);u @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->lpfnWndProc)\">%p\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->lpfnWndProc); } .printf "Visiable: %d\n", @@C++((((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->style & (1<<28)) != 0); .printf "Child: %d\n", @@C++((((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->style & (1<<30)) != 0); .printf "Minimized:%d\n", @@C++((((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->style & (1<<29)) != 0); .printf "Disabled: %d\n", @@C++((((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->style & (1<<27)) != 0); .printf "Window Rect { %d, %d, %d, %d}\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->rcWindow.left), @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->rcWindow.top), @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->rcWindow.right), @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->rcWindow.bottom); .printf "Clent Rect { %d, %d, %d, %d}\n", @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->rcClient.left), @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->rcClient.top), @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->rcClient.right), @@C++(((win32k!tagWnd *)@$t0)->rcClient.bottom); } .else { .printf "HWND is out of range.\n"; } } .else { .echo "Usage $$>a<${$arg0} HWND(HEX)" .echo "e.g. $$>a<${$arg0} 0x60962" }